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1471 search results for: China


The Stream, June 18: What’s the Potential of Green Accounting?

Can putting a monetary value on natural resources reign in unfettered development? The Associated Press reports on the complex evolution of green accounting. Expectations are running low days before the Rio+20 global summit on sustainable development, The Wall Street Journal says, but can a different approach focused on “bottom up” efforts, local solutions and smaller […]


The Stream, June 13: Land Grabs Threaten Africa’s Water

Large-scale foreign investment in Africa’s farmland is a threat to the continent’s water supply and water access, according to a new report from the nonprofit organization GRAIN. The report asserts that the global rush to control agricultural land is also a rush to control water resources. Rivers The world’s ten most populous river basins, most […]


The Stream, June 1: The Fight For Australia’s Food

Switching to a low-carbon global economy could create a net gain of between 15 and 60 million new jobs around the world, according to a report from the United Nations Environment Programme, the Guardian reported. Iran has rejected a Chinese company’s bid to build the country’s proposed Bakhtiari dam, which would hold 4.8 billion cubic […]


The Stream, May 25: Asian Cities Resist Climate Change

ChiAsia and Climate Change Ten Asian cities throughout India, Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam are taking part in a pilot project to assess their vulnerability to climate change and develop urban planning methods to improve their resilience, AlertNet reported. A lawsuit filed by two non-governmental organizations in China—the first case of its kind—seeks to gain compensation […]