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2741 search results for: energy


The Stream, April 19: In Drought, Indian State Bans New Wells in Tech Hub

The Global Rundown Because of declining groundwater levels, no new wells for six months in India’s tech hub of Hyderabad, say state authorities. Concerned about water shortages, South Africa’s electric power utility will install a small groundwater desalination plant at a nuclear power station near Cape Town while city officials consider their own desalination facility […]


Federal Water Tap, April 17: EPA Pauses Rule that Restricts Power Plants from Dumping Toxic Metals into Rivers

The Rundown EPA administrator postpones the implementation date for rule to keep arsenic, mercury, and other power plant toxics from rivers, while also beginning a separate process to repeal or modify existing regulations. EPA inspector general says that the agency needs better health warnings for people who eat contaminated fish. An energy company wants to […]


The Stream, April 14: Water Concerns Stymie Brazil Iron Mine

The Global Rundown A mayor in Brazil is refusing to grant water permits to the Samarco iron mine until it funds water quality safeguards. The number of people infected by a cholera outbreak in Somalia could double by summer. This water year is officially the wettest on record in California’s northern Sierra Nevada. A cultural […]


Federal Water Tap, April 10: EPA Science Board Reviews ‘Value of a Statistical Life’ Calculation

The Rundown EPA science advisers weigh in on proposed changes to the value of preventing a single death within a large group. The Department of Homeland Security issues an intelligence report on a cyberattack against a U.S. water utility. The U.S. Geological Survey publishes the first national assessment of brackish groundwater in more than a […]


The Stream, April 4: Australia Tightens Drinking Water Standards For PFAS

New federal guidelines in Australia significantly reduce the amount of PFAS, chemicals found in firefighting foam, that are allowed in drinking water. Federal budget cuts in Brazil will reduce science funding by nearly half. Michigan’s budget could feel the effects of the Flint water crisis for a long time, despite a recent settlement agreement. An appeal related to the U.S. Clean Water Rule will continue after the Supreme Court refused to put the case on hold. Record rainfall in parts of Western Australia filled inland lakes and attracted thousands of nesting birds.


Federal Water Tap, April 3: Congress Begins Pushback Against Trump Rural Water Cuts

The Rundown House members will send a letter this week to colleagues asking not to eliminate rural water funding. Trump signs executive order to undo federal climate change action. Representatives introduce bills in Congress on water affordability, infrastructure investment, and Indian water rights. Membership in the bipartisan House climate caucus grows to nearly three dozen. […]