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2741 search results for: energy


Federal Water Tap, March 27: Two Wins for the Pipeline Industry

The Rundown The Trump administration issues a permit for the Keystone XL pipeline. A U.S. district court rejects lawsuit that claimed that a federal energy regulator is biased toward pipeline industry. An Oroville Dam review board says spillway repairs may not be completed by the next rainy season. A Senate committee holds a hearing on […]


The Stream, March 24: China’s Cities Must Plan For Sea Level Rise, Researchers Say

The Global Rundown Scientists in China reiterated calls for coastal cities to address flood risks after a government report showed record high sea levels last year. Saskatchewan announced plans to tighten regulations for pipelines near waterways. Mountain snowpack in the western United States, where water content is well above average at many sites, has started […]


Trump Proposal to Fix U.S. Water Infrastructure Invites Large Role for Private Investors

Private-public partnerships, a potential funding source, are complicated and controversial. By Brett Walton, Circle of Blue President Donald Trump, fashioning himself the builder-in-chief, promised to invest $US 1 trillion to make America’s potholed highways, unstable bridges, leaky water systems, strained ports, and brittle levees whole again. The pledge is more a slogan at this point. […]


Federal Water Tap, March 13: EPA Environmental Justice Office Director Resigns

The Rundown A 24-year veteran of the EPA environmental justice office steps down. The Bureau of Reclamation debates the use of treated wastewater in southern Arizona. A Pennsylvania representative asks Congress to fund a health study on chemical contamination from military installations in his district. The EPA needs to better prioritize the cleanup of leaking […]


The Stream, March 9: Congo River Records Lowest Levels In A Century

The Global Rundown The national power utility in the Democratic Republic of Congo warned electricity production is at risk after water levels in the Congo River dropped to their lowest level in a century over the past four months. More than 100 people have died in Somalia due to starvation and illnesses related to drought. […]


The Stream, March 7: Horn of Africa Still Suffering Drought Effects

The Global Rundown Funding shortfalls threaten to curtail humanitarian food and water deliveries in Ethiopia, putting millions of people at risk. Drought is also a driving factor behind violent ranch invasions in Kenya, according to government officials. A government report on Australia’s environment finds that water quality has improved in the Murray-Darling River Basin, but […]


The Stream, February 28: Asia Needs $800 Billion Water Investment

The Global Rundown Countries in Asia need to invest an estimated $800 billion in water and sanitation infrastructure, according to the Asian Development Bank. Communities in Pakistan’s Sindh province worry new coal mines could pollute their water. In China, sand mining operations threaten water levels and water quality in Poyang Lake. Fishermen living near India’s […]


Federal Water Tap, February 27: New EPA Administrator Sworn In

The Rundown Scott Pruitt, new EPA administrator, gives a welcome address to agency employees. President Trump could issue an executive order this week targeting Clean Water Act interpretation. California governor requests federal aid for dam repairs. The U.S. Geological Survey assesses an aquifer storage project in New Mexico. The EPA selects a new water utility […]