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2306 search results for: Clean Water Act


World Stands By As Algae and Dead Zones Ruin Water

Expensive research and cleanup efforts make little headway. Photo courtesy Greenpeace China via Flickr Creative Commons An algae bloom spreads across China’s Dianchi Lake in 2007. That same year, a bloom in Lake Taihu made the water undrinkable for 2 million people in Wuxi.Click image to enlarge. By Codi Kozacek Circle of Blue Decades of […]


The Stream, September 24: China Ahead of Water Pollution Goals, Government Says

Pollution Emissions of pollutants in China’s waterways, including nitrogen and organic pollutants, have already declined by slightly more than the 2 percent goal set by the government in 2014, Reuters reported, citing government officials. China is also considering an additional $US 326 billion plan to clean up wastewater and restore its lakes and rivers. Drought […]


The Stream, September 23: Morocco Expands Water Resources by $27 Billion

Africa A national plan to increase Morocco’s water resources by 5 billion cubic meters by 2030 will cost the country $US 27 billion, a price it is hoping to cover primarily with investments from the private sector, Bloomberg News reported. The investment is designed to maintain current per capita water availability as the country’s population […]


Federal Water Tap, September 15: DEA Publishes New Rules for Handling Sensitive Prescription Drugs

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration made final new rules that will help prevent unused medications from contaminating waterways. Pharmacies are now authorized to collect unwanted narcotics, stimulants, and other “controlled substances.” Before, these pills had to be turned over to law enforcement officials. One-day drug collection events have grown in popularity. Clean water advocates are […]


New Federal Rules Expand Ways to Keep Prescription Drugs out of Waterways

Pharmacies, hospitals, and distributors are now authorized to collect narcotics, opiates, and other “controlled” drugs. Image courtesy of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency Volunteers display two jars full of medications collected a May 2011 U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration take-back event in Arizona. New rules allow pharmacies and hospitals to accept controlled substances for safe disposal. […]


The Stream, September 11: 90 Percent of U.S. Urban Waterways Contain Pesticide Levels Harmful to Wildlife

United States Approximately 90 percent of urban streams and 61 percent of rural streams in the United States contain levels of pesticides above thresholds that are considered safe for aquatic wildlife, though they are generally safe for humans, according to a study by the U.S. Geological Survey, Reuters reported. The percentage of contaminated urban streams […]


World Water Week Offers Answers To Scarcity, Pollution, and Security

Stockholm hosts largest-ever international conference on global contest for water and energy. Photo © Keith Schneider / Circle of Blue The 24th annual World Water Week in Stockholm attracted 3,000 participants from 130 countries to discuss the ties between energy and water. Click image to enlarge. STOCKHOLM — Of all the world’s developed nations, none […]


Federal Water Tap, September 1: EPA Criticizes Restoration Plan for California’s Water Hub

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency criticized a $US 25 billion water supply and ecosystem restoration plan for California’s Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, saying that the plan would violate federal Clean Water Act standards for water quality and may not produce the desired habitat improvements. The delta is the largest estuary on the U.S. west coast and […]


Seven Ohio Drinking Water Sources Don’t Meet State Water Quality Standards for Toxic Algae

Lack of testing requirements inhibits more thorough review of drinking water safety. Graphic by Codi Kozacek / Circle of Blue Seven public drinking water sources in Ohio have been listed as “impaired” due to high levels of algae toxins.Click image to enlarge. By Codi Kozacek Circle of Blue Seven lakes, reservoirs and rivers that supply […]