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2018 search results for: India


HotSpots H2O, February 28: Pope Francis Warns of World War Over Water

The Global Rundown Pope Francis warns that water scarcity may lead to world war. Pakistan initiates a major hydropower project despite an ongoing water dispute with India. Humanitarian operations are expanding in Yemen as conflict leaves thousands without shelter, food, or water. Deepening famine in South Sudan is forcing some to survive on weeds and […]


The Stream, February 28: Asia Needs $800 Billion Water Investment

The Global Rundown Countries in Asia need to invest an estimated $800 billion in water and sanitation infrastructure, according to the Asian Development Bank. Communities in Pakistan’s Sindh province worry new coal mines could pollute their water. In China, sand mining operations threaten water levels and water quality in Poyang Lake. Fishermen living near India’s […]


Utilities Move to Break Arizona’s Coal-Water Link

The proposed halt to operations in 2019 at the West’s largest coal-fired power plant could attract White House attention. By Brett Walton, Circle of Blue Since 1976 the 2,250-megawatt coal-fired Navajo Generating Station, with its three towering stacks belching thick plumes of steam, has commanded the summit of a high bluff close to the Colorado […]


The Stream, February 22: Deadline Arrives For Evacuation of Dakota Access Protest Camp

The Global Rundown After months of fighting the Dakota Access oil pipeline, the “water protectors” face mandatory evacuation from a protest camp in North Dakota. Meanwhile, the Trump administration may roll back recent regulations meant to improve U.S. pipeline safety. Australia plans to review foreign investment in critical infrastructure, including water systems. Residents of La […]


Federal Water Tap, February 20: Oroville Dam Emergency Refocuses Attention on U.S. Water Infrastructure

The Rundown Regulators order an independent board to review Oroville Dam engineering while the White House offers emergency aid. The Senate confirms Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt as EPA administrator. Despite continuing to assert that clean water is important, President Trump signs a bill repealing an Obama administration rule protecting streams from coal mining waste. […]


The Stream, February 13: California Dam Troubles Force Thousands To Evacuate

The Global Rundown Damage to the spillways at California’s Oroville Dam prompted officials to issue evacuation orders for thousands of people downstream. Aid groups warned of an impending famine in drought-hit Somalia. India’s Supreme Court ordered the state government of Madhya Pradesh to pay families displaced by a major dam project. Untreated sewage is a […]


Choke Point: Tamil Nadu

New reporting project describes how drought, storms, and floods are forcing big Indian state to contend with severe water stress. By Keith Schneider Circle of Blue TUTICORIN, INDIA — Among the 75 government ministries that manage and regulate this bewitching and impassioned nation, there is no Ministry of the Future. There should be. Narendra Modi, […]


The Stream, January 26: Africa Investment Gap Remains, Despite Large Infrastructure Needs

The Global Rundown Africa needs billions of dollars of investment in its water, energy, and transportation infrastructure — a challenge that is increasingly tackled by local investment funds. A political review of data and information on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s website raises concerns about scientific censorship. A court decision in Indonesia reaffirms a tax […]


Perspective: The Age of Disruption Powers a Global Awakening

By Keith Schneider CHENNAI, INDIA — The last time I can recall a civic awakening as big, gallant, and well-intentioned as the mammoth demonstrations that occurred here in the capital of Tamil Nadu, and in American cities last weekend, I’d just turned 14 years old. On April 22, 1970 the United States celebrated the first […]


The Stream, January 19: Ontario Proposes Steep Price Hike For Bottled Water Companies

The Global Rundown Ontario plans to impose a much higher water rate for bottled water companies amid public concern over groundwater withdrawals. New funding and legislation in Victoria aims to improve environmental enforcement in the Australian state. Tanneries, sewage, and other industrial and municipal effluent continue to pollute the Ganga, despite India’s repeated attempts to […]