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1471 search results for: China


The Stream, November 1: Population Growth

As the global population hit 7 billion yesterday — theoretically speaking, at least — the United Nations chose a newborn in the Philippines to symbolically mark the milestone. But how did the world get so big so fast? Here’s a great visualization by NPR that zips through 1,000 years of human history — from 300 […]


The Stream, October 31: Seven Billion and Counting

Climate change has had devastating affects on glaciers in the mountains of southwestern China, the Graduate University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences warned in a report last week. What will 7 billion people mean for the global environment? In Jordan, water is becoming increasingly scarce as more and more people demand it. The chronic […]


The Stream, October 25: Flood Crisis in Southeast Asia

Climate change manifests itself most visibly through water. But is heat the more immediate threat to the world’s breadbaskets? Floods in Southeast Asia Areas of Bangkok are bracing for evacuation as floodwaters began spilling into the capital, boosting the levels in the Chao Phraya river, damaging infrastructure, and causing food and water shortages in a […]


The Stream, October 24: Climate Science

An independent investigation by scientists at the University of California, Berkeley, found no grounds for climate skeptics’ concerns about global warming figures, the Guardian reported. The study compiled more than a billion temperature records dating back to the 1800s from 15 sources around the world and found that the average global land temperature has risen […]


The Stream, October 21: Trapped by Climate Change

Climate change may threaten rural livelihoods and force millions of people to move to vulnerable, ill-prepared cities, The New York Times reported, citing a British government study. United States Cities across the United States are drastically raising water prices to pay for fixes to their crumbling water infrastructure, Bloomberg reported. In Chicago, Mayor Rahm Emanuel […]


The Stream, October 20: Public Opinion on U.S. Energy Policy

Less than 14 percent of Americans think that the United States is headed in the right direction on energy, according to the University of Texas at Austin’s biannual Energy Poll. Nebraska’s top senator said on Wednesday that a proposed state legislation to force TransCanada Corp to move the route of its $7 billion Keystone XL […]


The Stream, October 17: America and the Climate Change Question

Why is the United States agnostic about climate change while nearly every other nation considers it a pressing problem? Mexico and the United States are planning two huge desalination plants proposals to wean themselves from the drought-prone Colorado River, Associated Press reported. But not everyone agrees with the desalination negotiations. Asia China is rapidly accumulating […]


The Stream, October 13: Australian MPs Pass Carbon Tax Bill

Australia’s lower house of parliament narrowly passed a historic bill to cut carbon emissions and introduce a national carbon tax scheme, the Guardian reported. Though the Senate is almost certain to follow, opposition leaders said they would repeal the bill if elected. Meanwhile, China said it would introduce a national resource tax next month, BusinessGreen […]