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2741 search results for: energy


The Stream, January 4: Bolivia Drought Hinders Schools, Hospitals

The Global Rundown A severe drought in Bolivia is forcing schools to close early and is limiting medical procedures at hospitals in La Paz. The snowpack survey in California is below average, but more winter storms are on the way. A start-up incubator in California is calling for new ideas to confront water scarcity around […]


The Stream, January 3: Storms Cause Sewage Overflows, Pollution in Australia

The Global Rundown Officials posted health warnings for nearly two dozen beaches near Melbourne, Australia after storm runoff and sewage polluted the water. One of Israel’s most important reservoirs hit its lowest level since 2012. Health workers in the Philippines warned that water supplies damaged by Typhoon Nina could encourage the spread of disease. Shipping […]


Federal Water Tap, January 2: Land Use Politics Touch Michigan, Nevada, Ohio, Utah, and Washington

The Rundown Michigan and Ohio representatives call for the EPA to label western Lake Erie “impaired.” Regulators propose to withdraw more than 340,000 acres of Washington’s Methow Valley from mining activity. President Obama declares national monuments in Nevada and Utah. Federal science agency debuts an interactive snow data display. Energy regulators say that environmental harm […]


World Bank Loan to India Leads to Water-Damaging Projects

Report finds that a generation after withdrawing big loan for hydro project the World Bank is back with indirect financing. By Keith Schneider Circle of Blue In the pantheon of public campaigns to block big hydropower projects around the world, the fight to stop the Sardar Sarovar dam in India belongs in the hall of […]


The Stream, December 19: Water Quality Declines in Gaza Aquifer

The Global Rundown The condition of Gaza’s coastal aquifer continues to deteriorate due to a combination of population growth and political pressures. The largest glacier in East Antarctica is thinning, raising concerns about its potential contribution to sea level rise. Countries in sub-Saharan Africa could see some of the worst economic effects from climate change […]


The Stream, December 14: U.S. EPA Report Links Fracking to Water Contamination

The Global Rundown A final report from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency says hydraulic fracturing can contaminate water. Operators at a major hydropower dam in Mozambique have reduced electricity supplies to South Africa due to dropping water levels. Waste piles left unmanaged during Yemen’s civil war now threaten drinking water in Sanaa. Drought conditions are […]