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2018 search results for: India


World Bank Tribunal Rules Against El Salvador Gold Mine Involved in Water Conflict

El Dorado decision, seven years in the making, raises risk of stranding big infrastructure projects. By Keith Schneider, Circle of Blue When eastern El Salvador’s deep veins of gold, silver, and copper were first identified in the 1960s, the global mining industry operated under accepted rules of exploration that gave scant attention to water supply and […]


World Bank, Despite Promises, Finances Big Coal and Industrial Projects That Threaten Water, Communities

Investigation finds International Finance Corporation invests big in industrial development banks. By Keith Schneider, Circle of Blue In 2013, GNP Power, a Philippine energy developer, began generating power from its Mariveles coal-fired electrical generating station on the Bataan Peninsula about 173 kilometers (107 miles) south of Manila, the capital. Philippine authorities and company executives hailed the […]


The Stream, October 13: Report Condemns South Africa Response To Water Pollution

The Global Rundown A report by researchers at Harvard concluded that South Africa’s response to acid mine drainage is inadequate and violates international human rights law. India released a draft water law to improve water sharing between states. Climate change could significantly increase river flows in Ethiopia’s Blue Nile Basin. Kazakhstan is building a desalination […]


Projecting Global Water Supplies With A New Tool

ISciences develops predictive model for anticipating water stress. The profound disturbance in the planet’s water supply is linked by scientists to climate change. As the world’s weather becomes more erratic so too does predicting how much fresh water will be available for human use. ISciences, an Ann Arbor-based research group, has set out to remedy […]


The Stream, October 10: Hurricane Matthew Kills At Least 900 in Haiti, Sets Storm Surge Records In U.S. Southeast

The Global Rundown Hurricane Matthew cut an avenue of death and destruction as it moved northward out of the Caribbean. Water is the uniting factor for a coalition opposing an Oklahoma “right-to-farm” ballot initiative. Average water use per fracked well doubled in the United States since 2013, according to an analysis of industry data. In […]


The Stream, October 6: Paris Climate Agreement Ratified

The Global Rundown The international Paris accord to cut carbon emissions and curb climate change will go into effect early next month, following the agreement’s ratification by countries representing more than half of global emissions. There is a high probability the western United States will face a megadrought by the end of the century. More […]