Christian Thorsberg
Christian Thorsberg is an environmental writer from Chicago. He is passionate about climate and cultural phenomena that often appear slow or invisible, and he examines these themes in his journalism, poetry, and fiction.
The Stream, June 12, 2024: World’s Biggest Banks, Behind Oil and Gas Projects in the Amazon, Accused of Significant Greenwashing
Fresh, June 11, 2024: In Michigan and Minnesota, Groundwater Extraction for Bottled Water Divides Lawmakers, Residents
The Stream, June 5, 2024: Scant Snow and Rain Across Canada Take Toll on Energy Production
The Stream, May 29, 2024: Faced With Drought and Disappearing Glaciers, Himalayan Village Copes with Relocation
Fresh, May 28, 2024: Minnesota Lawmakers Expand Protections For Hundreds of Miles of Waterways
The Stream, May 22, 2024: Global Freshwater Migratory Fish Populations Plummet in Past 50 Years, Study Finds
The Stream, May 15, 2024: Solar Storm Disrupts Farmers Across North America
Fresh, May 14, 2024: In Minnesota, Largest U.S. Potato Producer Sues White Earth Nation Over Water Permit Dispute
The Stream, May 8, 2024: Farmers in India Turn to Ice Cream Sales As Water Scarcity Decimates Crops
The Stream, May 1, 2024: In Sri Lanka, Contaminated Waters Linked to Kidney Disease in Farmers