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1105 search results for: Australia


India’s National Green Tribunal Challenges Government and Industry To Follow the Law

Four-year-old court emerges as global leader in securing resources, promoting economic gain. Photo © Keith Schneider / Circle of Blue Courtroom Number 1 in session at the National Green Tribunal in New Delhi. The interior design conveys institutional significance, and sound and independent legal judgment. Beneath the gold and green, though, lies the spirit of […]


The Stream, November 4: Second Stage of China’s South-North Water Diversion Opens

The Global Rundown China opened the second section of its massive South-North water diversion, while desalination is being considered to save the Middle East’s Jordan River from water diversions. California will need to spend millions just to maintain its current water infrastructure, and India is spending millions to irrigate sugarcane farms. Meanwhile, public opposition is […]


Hawaii River Restorations Reflect National Desire to Protect Water for Public Benefit

Using public trust doctrine, communities restore streams diverted for more than 100 years. Photo courtesy Jan Arendtsz via Flickr Creative Commons Water restored to natural rivers will help support fields of Hawaii’s traditional and culturally important taro crop, like these on the island of Kauai.Click image to enlarge. By Codi Kozacek Circle of Blue Streams […]


The Stream, October 28: Water Access Critical to Ebola Fight in Africa

Health Africa Access to clean water is crucial for both treating Ebola patients in Africa and preventing the spread of the disease, according to the aid agency UNICEF, RT reported. One patient needs an estimated 150 liters of clean water a day, approximately 10 times the amount typically available per capita in Liberia. Water Supply […]