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1105 search results for: Australia


The Stream, January 6: Water Contamination from Drilling Underestimated

Water Contamination Water pollution caused by natural gas and oil drilling operations may be more common than advertised, with cases confirmed in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, and West Virginia, according to an Associated Press review of complaints submitted to the states. The review also found that the states varied greatly in the way they reported possible […]


The Stream, December 4: South Africa Needs Water Management

South Africa South Africa needs better cooperation between national and municipal water managers to ensure adequate supply and pollution control, according to an environmental performance review by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Bloomberg News reported. South Africa’s water supplies, already scarce, are further reduced by acid mine drainage from closed gold mines. The […]


The Stream, November 26: More Cases of Polio Expected in Syria

The World Health Organization is expected this week to confirm more cases of the polio disease in Syria, where it is being transmitted through contaminated food and water, Reuters reported. The disease, which is incurable and causes paralysis, has already been confirmed in 13 children. Climate Change Residents of some atolls in the Solomon Islands […]


The Stream, November 22: Canadian Tar Sand Industry Creates Largest Man-Made Lake District

Pollution The disposal of wastewater created during the mining of bituminous tar sands is a growing problem for Canada’s oil industry, which must store the water in vast reservoirs, and the industry is planning expansions that could turn Alberta into the largest man-made lake district in the world, Bloomberg News reported. Environmentalists worry that the […]


The Stream, October 28: Cleaning Up Puerto Rico’s Estuaries

Water Pollution Volunteers in Puerto Rico spent the weekend pulling trash from San Juan’s estuary system, which has been degraded by littering and sewer and storm water runoff, Reuters reported. Conservationists hope that the government will undertake a more than $500 million dredging project to improve water quality in the estuary. The Worth of Groundwater […]


What Is the IPCC Telling Policymakers About Climate Change and Water?

Oceans are rising faster and becoming more acidic, snowpack is decreasing, and the Earth is heating up. The latest report on climate change from an international panel of scientists is a story of epochal transformations to the Earth’s land, air, and water systems. Greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere are the highest in 800,000 years, […]