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1105 search results for: Australia


The Stream, July 12: Studies Find Earthquake Risk From Pumping Water Underground

Energy and Water Pumping water underground to produce geothermal energy or to hydraulically fracture rocks could lead to large—magnitude 4 or 5—earthquakes, according to recent studies, the Guardian reported. One study found a clear correlation between underground water injection and the frequency of earthquakes. Australia’s government must decide whether or not to require a full […]


The Stream, July 10: Great Barrier Reef’s UNESCO Heritage Status at Risk

Australia released a report Wednesday indicating that conditions at the Great Barrier Reef have dropped since 2009 from “moderate” to “poor”, Gulf News reported. Despite a successful decrease in agricultural runoff, the reef has been overwhelmed with “continuing poor water quality, cumulative impacts of climate change and increasing frequency and intensity of extreme events,” the […]


The Stream, July 1: Desalination Brings More Water to Mecca

Water Supply Mecca’s production of drinking water from desalination plants is set to increase 29 percent to 670,000 cubic meters per day, al-Madina and Bloomberg News reported. Saudi Arabia continues to expand its desalination facilities to meet growing demand for water. A pilot project in the Texas Panhandle is testing water conservation practices on farms […]


The Stream, June 25: To Understand Groundwater Recharge, Scientists Study Rocks

Science and Technology Scientists from Australia’s National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training are investigating how water moves through dense layers of rock to form and recharge aquifers, PhysOrg reported. The researchers hope that their work will improve the management of groundwater resources, which face extreme pressure in Australia and around the world. A new […]


The Stream, May 10: World’s CO2 Hits 400 ppm

The amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the world’s atmosphere reached a daily average of 400 parts per million (ppm), according to measurements taken at the Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii, the Guardian reported. The measurement is the highest recorded at the observatory, and scientists believe similar CO2 levels have not been seen for several […]


The Stream, May 6: Planned Chinese Dam Construction Prompts Fears of Relocation, Habitat Damage, and Seismic Activity

Earlier this year, China announced plans to build a series of dams on the Nu River, a Unesco World Heritage site. The dams, The New York Times reported, will force tens of thousands of relocations, could potentially trigger earthquakes, and destroy endangered-fish spawning grounds. Improving Water Management Countries around the world, from Australia to South […]