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276 search results for: murray


Commentary: Drought Influenced Syrian Civil War; So What, Says U.S. Congress

U.S. Congress on an island of reflexive denial. By Keith Schneider, Circle of Blue A paper published earlier this year in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States added fresh, peer-reviewed details about how a malicious four-year (2007 to 2010) drought in Syria played a role in touching off a […]


Q&A: Giulio Boccaletti on the Sustainable Development Goal for Restoring Water Ecosystems

Giulio Boccaletti is the global managing director for water at The Nature Conservancy. He talks with Circle of Blue about the Sustainable Development subgoal to protect and restore water-related ecosystems and how it represents a shift in thinking about how to provide communities with safe water. In a series of Q&As with water experts, Circle […]


The Stream, September 15: California Snowpack Was Lowest in 500 Years

The Global Rundown Scientists found that the snowpack in California this year was the lowest in half a millennium. Australia’s Senate voted to cap environmental water buybacks in the Murray Darling Basin, China reported improvements in curbing air and water pollutants, and low hydropower reserves in Zambia contributed to announcements of job cuts in the […]


The Stream, September 15: California Snowpack Was Lowest in 500 Years

The Global Rundown Scientists found that the snowpack in California this year was the lowest in half a millennium. Australia’s Senate voted to cap environmental water buybacks in the Murray Darling Basin, China reported improvements in curbing air and water pollutants, and low hydropower reserves in Zambia contributed to announcements of job cuts in the […]


The Stream, December 15: Lima Climate Change Deal Puts Onus On All Countries

The Global Rundown Negotiators reached a climate deal in Lima, requiring all countries to create plans to reduce their emissions. Meanwhile, major droughts continued to plague California and Sao Paulo, and China documented its shrinking glaciers. Morocco received more money for water infrastructure projects, while Australia cut funding for infrastructure in the Murray-Darling Basin. Access […]