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276 search results for: murray


The Stream, August 2: 1 Dead and 15 Wounded in Sri Lanka Protest for Water Quality

One resident in Sri Lanka’s western province was killed Thursday evening during a protest against a factory that had been contaminating drinking water in 15 local villages, Calgary Herald reported. More than 4000 people were present, hoping to provoke government action to stop the factory’s chemical emissions from polluting their water supply. China China’s mammoth coal industry […]


The Stream, July 23: Pakistan Is One of Most Water-stressed Countries

Water Supply Pakistan is one of the most water-stressed countries in the world, with only a 30-day supply held in reserve, according to a report from the Asian Development Bank. Water shortages, in combination with already widespread energy shortages, could further destabilize the country, The Atlantic reported. Surface and groundwater supplies in Inner Mongolia are […]


The Stream, July 1: Desalination Brings More Water to Mecca

Water Supply Mecca’s production of drinking water from desalination plants is set to increase 29 percent to 670,000 cubic meters per day, al-Madina and Bloomberg News reported. Saudi Arabia continues to expand its desalination facilities to meet growing demand for water. A pilot project in the Texas Panhandle is testing water conservation practices on farms […]


The Stream, February 22: Water Invaders

Invasive Species An interim report, released from a larger, U.S. federal study on invasive Asian Carp, has identified storm sewers, bird feces, and even Asian Carp sperm as possible sources of environmental DNA (eDNA) that could be behind positive eDNA hits found in the Great Lakes and Chicago waterways. Researchers are trying to iron out […]


The Stream, January 15: U.S. Midwest Water Levels

In the Midwest, low water levels are a growing economic concern for the region. CNN reports that the Great Lakes are expected to reach all-time lows in the coming months, and reached record lows in December of 2012. Cargo shipping industries have already been impacted by the past 13 years of dropping lake levels. As […]


Top 10 Water News Stories of 2012

Best-in-class reporting on the confrontation between water, food, and energy that influenced policy making in Asia, proved invaluable to university researchers in Europe, and informed citizens and the media in the United States and around the world.