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276 search results for: murray


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Africa News Southern Africa Water Wire IPS-hosted African News Feed Asian carp A list of eating instructions The Louisiana Department of Wildlife & Fisheries posted a video and instructions on carp consumption. Asian Carp Management An official U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Web site designed to coordinate control and management of Asian carp in the […]


Heart of Dryness: Climate Change Coping Strategies

Since the dawn of Homo sapiens in arid Africa, nine tenths of our evolution has unfolded as foragers. Only relatively recently did our species embark on agriculture, and recent events suggest certain limits to that extraordinary experiment. Exponential population growth has combined with unprecedented climate change until half the planet’s land surface can now be classified as drylands—arid landscapes inhabited by a third of humankind.


Australia’s Adelaide: A Lesson for Urban Centers Facing the Global Water Crisis

Australia’s fifth-largest city, Adelaide, could see its 1.3 million inhabitants relying more and more on bottled water over the next year, according to local politicians. Mounting consequences of climate change and sluggish national political action have led to high salinity levels and depletion of wildlife along the River Murray.


The Windy City Blows Off Toxins to the Ocean

Chicago is famous for dyeing its river green on St. Patrick’s Day, but it is rarely known for muddying waters thousands of miles away. According to a U.S. Geological Survey study, polluted water from the Windy City has helped kill marine life in the Gulf of Mexico, reported Friday. The study, released Thursday, ranks […]