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276 search results for: murray
Biggest Dry
Monsoon of Ash: Drought Ravaged Australia on Fire
Parched to a crisp, Australia’s prayers for rain seem to have fallen on sadistic ears. Instead of a quenching downpour, the southern curve of the continent now fights raging flames. The fires flying across Victoria and New South Wales have claimed over 100 lives, reports the BBC. It is the deadliest blaze in Australia’s history. […]
Trickle Down Effect: Aussie Dollars to Hydrate Basin
Years of drought have left the state government of South Australia feeling a bit too brittle for comfort. In fact, it just tipped its fiscal bucket by tens of millions of dollars to purchase water for next year. The state should be 61 billion gallons wetter for 2009-10, water security minister Karlene Maywald told the […]
Tech-savvy Australia computes drought solutions
Could technology help alleviate the dilemma facing the Murray-Darling River Basin? Professor Gary Jones of eWater Cooperative Research Centre thinks it can and now he has six million dollars to prove it. RiverManager, a forecasting tool that connects groundwater data with surface water science, allows those in charge to allocate diversions and monitor the health […]
Water Thieves Are Terrorists, Declares Australian Premier
Australia’s Murray-Darling river basin is drying up. As the water levels drop, South Australia’s Premier Mike Rann declares that diversion from the basin is an act of environmental terrorism and should be treated as a crime against the Australian people. “It is a criminal offence, and anyone siphoning water off illegally, in my view, should […]
Australian River Health Declining
Australian government leaders ordered an audit of skills shortages in water management to be completed by June after a government report warned it was the most critical capacity-building issue. Kevin Rudd’s Government has run hard on climate change and water, signing the Kyoto Protocol on carbon emissions and ending a year-long impasse over the Victorian […]
Australian River Health Declining
Australian government leaders ordered an audit of skills shortages in water management to be completed by June after a government report warned it was the most critical capacity-building issue. Kevin Rudd’s Government has run hard on climate change and water, signing the Kyoto Protocol on carbon emissions and ending a year-long impasse over the Victorian […]
Canada Oil Rush May Lead to Water Shortage
In the last 12 years, the most powerful oil companies have rushed to plunk down $150 billion in the oil sands.
Water Supply in Worst-Ever State
ADELAIDE, AUSTRALIA — Adelaide is at risk of relying solely on rain to fill depleting reservoirs amid warnings the city’s water supply situation is at its most critical. The State Government yesterday confirmed Adelaide has only 47 days’ supply – about 24 gigalitres – to pump from the River Murray from a 201-gigalitre “critical human […]
Buyback Program Could Make Water Prices Skyrocket
AUSTRALIA, Feb. 28 (ABC News) — The Federal Opposition’s environment spokeswoman says the Rudd Government’s plans to buy water from Murray irrigators will threaten the industry.Read more here.
World Economic Forum: A big week for water?
The annual World Economic Forum kicks off Wednesday in Davos, and already there’s a buzz building about this year’s emerging focus on the global freshwater crisis. The Forum hosts seven sessions on water, from market mechanisms for pricing to the tragic health consequences of poor sanitation and dirty water. (Note: I’ll be reporting all week from Davos.)
In a prelude to the Forum, Klaus Schwab, its chairman, and Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, chairman of Nestle, today published a compelling op-ed argument for rapid response and a call for “an unprecedented, high-impact public-private coalition to find ways to manage our future water needs before the crisis hits.”
(See the full op-ed below.)
It will be interesting to monitor the outcomes. As my friend and colleague Peter Gleick notes, we can solve many of today’s water problems. “We know how,” he says. “It’s just not clear that we’re going to make the commitment.”
Will this be a week of commitments? Schwab and his colleagues seem determined to take the discussions to a higher level than before. Stay tuned.
Water sessions at the forum this year include:
Time is Running Out for Water
Nearly one-third of the world’s population is expected to be living in regions facing severe water scarcity by 2025. What should be done now to ensure that water scarcity does not become a source of international conflict and human misery?
The True Value of Water
Water demand has more than tripled over the last half century, but its management appears immune to traditional market mechanisms. What is the most effective way to allocate water between industry,
Who is Managing Your Supply of Water
40% of Fortune 1,000 companies agree that the impact of a water shortage would be severe, but only 17% admit to being prepared for such a crisis. How should firms approach their future operations to ensure that they are not affected by water degradation, scarcity, storms or flooding?
Water – Are We Being Bio-Foolish
Securing a Watertight Future
Rapid urbanization, industrialization, changing diets and climate change are aggravating the effects of our unsustainable water use. For many businesses, significant disruptions are already caused by water insecurity. What innovative strategies can help us manage the need for water more effectively?
Death, Disease and Dirty Water
There is a well-established link between dirty water and disease. The effects of climate change and natural resource degradation on local ecosystems are further shaping the patterns of waterborne infectious disease. What is the emerging scientific consensus on the challenges ahead? What technologies and innovations can business provide to help support public health programmes?
There will be a special Welcom session for participants to share their talents and creativity in solving the crisis, with a focus on the roles of journalism, design and communications. More on this later. (Disclosure: I’ve been involved in visioning and organizing this session.)