
Shanghai Drought

The Stream, August 22: World Water Week 2011

Deutsche Welle highlights some of the pressing topics on the…
Shanghai Drought

The Stream, August 16: Climate Refugees

The deltas of the the Mekong, Irrawaddy, Niger, Nile, Mississippi,…
Wild rice on the Bad River Reservation in northern Wisconsin is in the floating leaf stage by early June, with a single shoot lying on the water’s surface. This is considered one of the most critical—and and dangerous—stages in the rice’s life cycle. The plants are just beginning to change physiologically from exchanging gases with the water column to exchanging gases with the air. Therefore, they are very susceptible to heavy rains and flooding events that can either rip out the young plants by the roots, or drown them. June 6, 2011.

Where Food Grows on Water: Environmental and Human Threats to Wisconsin’s Wild Rice

For generations, the upper Great Lakes region has boasted harvests of wild rice, growing in Lake Superior and other watersheds within the basin. But disease, dams, and climate change are now endangering the uncultivated bounty.
Shanghai Drought

The Stream, July 20: The Climate-Food Connection

The U.S. Department of Agriculture urges more study of the climate-food…
Infographic: Map of Pollution Levels in China

Infographic: Map of Pollution Levels in China’s Major River Basins

The seven major river basins, as a whole, have had steady improvements in water quality over the past decade.
Infographic: American Arsenic

Infographic: An Elemental Concern—Arsenic in Drinking Water

Arsenic is both naturally occurring and artificially produced, and the toxin is very dangerous since it often has no color, taste, or smell. This graphic breaks down how arsenic gets into drinking water supplies and how arsenic affects the U.S. on the state level.
Shanghai Drought

The Stream, June 27: Food Prices, G20 and Global Food Security

The Council on Foreign Relations highlights the factors behind…
Texas Drought

Dried Up: Texas Industry and Residents Square Off Over Water as Drought Continues

With nearly 65 percent of Texas experiencing exceptional drought, water is becoming increasingly precious—and scarce—in a state that has to divide the resource between the growing appetites of farmers, city residents, and energy corporations.
Shanghai Drought

The Stream, June 20: Higher Food Prices

The world should brace itself for high food prices and volatility…
Shanghai Drought

The Stream, June 17: California Drought Report

A new Pacific Institute report on California's 2007-2009 drought…
Shanghai Drought

The Stream, June 16: Texas Drought

The worst Texas drought in more than a century may cripple the…
Shanghai Drought

Rains Bring Relief For Six-Month China Drought, But Chronic Water Problems Loom

Although now satiated, the dry spell is the latest in a growing trend of severe water shortages threatening China's food production, energy generation, and accelerating modernization.