
The Stream, May 27: The Global Food Market

The dire drought in central and southern China may hit the grain…

China’s Other Looming Choke Point: Food Production

The Yellow River Basin is the center of a contest over water, energy, and agriculture.

The Stream, May 26: The La Nina Factor

The La Nina weather pattern may be playing a part in the surge…

The Stream, May 18: Toxic Food

Cadmium in rice, melamine in milk, arsenic in soy sauce, bleach…
China Water Stats Information Graphic

Infographic: Beijing Water Use and Population Statistics

The population of China's capital has doubled since 1980, and, though agricultural and industrial water use is down, municipal use is up.

The Stream, April 25: In Hot Water

The Financial Times reports on the growing local opposition to…

The Stream, March 9: New Water

Singapore plans to more than triple its desalinated water capacity…

The Stream, February 8: Food for Thought

Crop shortages are just another ingredient in an explosive mix…

Export Agriculture Drains Latin America’s Water Supplies

Peruvian asparagus and Costa Rican pineapples illustrate the threats global agribusiness poses to the environment.

Saudi Water Use ‘Growing Exponentially,’ Higher Prices Needed, Report Says

Agriculture is draining non-renewable groundwater reserves in the water-scarce country.

Climate Extremes Will Strain UK Agriculture

New report shows that U.K. farming faces changing and more variable climate.

World’s Rivers Are in Crisis, Global Report Says

International study finds serious threats to the world’s fresh water.