The Stream, October 4: Vivid Fall Foliage a Hidden Drought Benefit
Conditions are ideal this year for brilliant fall foliage, National…
The Stream, August 27: Water Versus Carbon
Desalination technologies are expanding as freshwater…
The Stream, August 23: The Struggle for Safe Drinking Water
This photo slideshow demonstrates the effects of coal extraction…
The Stream, August 21: Microbes in Drinking Water Provide New Insights
Drinking Water Bacteria
A University of Michigan study showed…
The Stream, August 16: When Wells Run Dry
U.S. Drought Continues
The drought has literally hit home in…
The Stream, August 13: Expected Crop Yields Plummet While Prices Climb
Food prices
This summer's drought in the United States will…
The Stream, August 7: Locals Weigh In On Mining and Dams
Communities in Mexico's southern states of Puebla, Tabasco,…
The Stream, July 26: Glaciers, Lakes, and Criticisms Heating Up
Beijing Flooding
Beijing mayor Guo Jinlong resigned Wednesday,…