
Tribes Lose Snowmaking Battle

snowmachine The religious objections of Indian tribes are not sufficient enough to stop a ski resort from using reclaimed sewage water.

Dry Weather System May Wither Arizona’s Hopes for Wet Winter

A damp December promises to slake Arizona's thirst, but the incoming…

Fueling the Flow: Paying Attention to Where Water and Energy Meet

More now than ever, the American West is realizing the binary nature of energy production and water delivery.

Red light, green light: Studies conflict concerning Lake Mead’s future

SCOTTSDALE, Arizona -- Or perhaps a yellow light. As the sun…

Colorado River Compact, impact: McCain comment garners criticism upstream

When presidential hopeful John McCain expressed his opinion that…

Proposed rule will prevent wells from illegally draining Colorado River

Owners of wells in Arizona, California, and Nevada drain an estimated…

67% water-rate increase protested

Phoenix, AZ - A 67 percent rate increase in water rates has the…