
Q & A: Julene Bair, Author of The Ogallala Road

Fancy machinery and irrigation systems that pull millions of…

Book Review of “A Twenty-First Century U.S. Water Policy”

A new book from the Pacific Institute argues that it is time to reassess the federal government’s roles and responsibilities for water management.

Q & A: Charles Fishman on The Big Thirst

Our guest today is Charles Fishman, an award winning investigative journalist and author of the best selling book "The Wal-Mart Effect." We caught up with Fishman during his tour for "The Big Thirst," his latest book focusing on water issues around the world.

Running Dry: One Man’s Journey to Raise Awareness About the Shrinking Colorado River

In 2008 journalist and photographer Jon Waterman spent five months traveling the Colorado River to understand the extent of its shrinking.

Out of the Mainstream: Water Rights, Water Territories and the Politics of Scale and Identity

An excerpt from the introductory chapter of Out of the Mainstream: Water Rights, Politics and Identity, a book on the effect modern society has on water culture and indigenous communities

Q&A: David Getches on Water Rights for
Indigenous Cultures

"How modern society is affecting our water culture and the rights of indigenous communities."

Heart of Dryness: Reversing the Politics of Water Scarcity from the Kalahari to Suburbia

The final installment of our seven-part series of excerpts from James G. Workman's Heart of Dryness examines how we define water rights for the Bushmen in Botswana as well as suburbanites in the U.S.

The War on Tap Water: An Exclusive Excerpt from Peter Gleick’s Bottled and Sold

"The growth of the bottled water industry is a story about 21st century controversies and contradictions: poverty versus glitterati; perception versus reality; private gain versus public loss of the last century."

Q&A: Peter Gleick Weighs in on the Bottled Water Battle

Why do people buy billions of gallons of expensive bottled water in the U.S., a country where most of the tap water is cheap and extremely high quality?

Heart of Dryness: How the Last Bushmen Can Help Us Endure the Coming Age of Permanent Drought

"...for every Bushman caught, accused, arrested and roughed up, several others sneaked in to gather or hunt, preferring to live freely without official help, without water that had strings attached."

Heart of Dryness: Botswana’s Bushmen Fight for Human, Water Rights

The fifth installment of Workman's book details the Bushmen's painful legal battle for water access against the Botswana government, which had begun to use "intentional, compulsory thirst" on the indigenous community. Left little choice, the Bushmen pursued court action to make access to water a fundamental human right.

Q&A: Solomon’s Water

Water weaves through history, giving rise to conflict, collapses and creation in civilizations. In his latest book, WATER: The Epic Struggle for Wealth, Power, and Civilization, economic journalist Steven Solomon examines the economic and social relationship between people and water.