
Landmark Klamath Basin Water Agreement Is on Verge of Collapse

Congress could allow year-end deadline for review and enactment…

Saving Salmon: California Orders New Water Restrictions

Restrictions target big Sacramento River reservoir and Russian River residents, but effects will ripple through the state.

Colorado River Basin Conservation Agreements Take Shape

States look to delay mandatory water restrictions and preserve…

California’s Rainless Summer Will Dry Up Drinking Water Supplies

State and local water administrators face supply emergency that is tightening.

California Drought Is Not Lifting

Another dry winter forces political pressure for action.

California Drought Cuts Farm Water Allocation to Zero for Second Consecutive Year

The Central Valley prepares for an unprecedented shortage.

Pacific Northwest’s Winter, Warm and Wet, Is Climate Change Preview

Little snow in sight looks to be the future of the American West.

Californians, In a Departure, Appear Ready to Support Big Water Spending to Respond to Drought

State leaders face infrastructure decisions now that will have consequences for decades.
Colorado River

Fortune Telling: Colorado River Teeters Toward First-ever Shortage Declaration

In the short term, water prices would rise and groundwater pumping would increase. In the long term, demand would have to drop.

Major Federal Study Sets Foundation for Colorado River Basin’s Future

Climate change and population growth will force the basin to…

U.S. and Mexico Sign Major Deal on Colorado River Issues: Delta Restoration, Infrastructure, Water Sharing

The agreement marks a turn in Colorado River management. Senior…

The Stream, October 16: World Food Day

World Food Day Yesterday was Global Handwashing Day, and today…