
Q&A: Dr. Peter Gleick on The World’s Water Volume 7

Q&A: Dr. Peter Gleick on The World’s Water Volume 7

Peter Gleick, an internationally recognized water expert, tells Circle of Blue what has changed — and what has not — since the 2009 release of Volume 6. The Pacific Institute's biannual report analyzes how water relates to climate change, corporate interests, and policy reform.
La Nina Winter Soaks

Peter Gleick: Water Emergencies — Time for New Plans and Technology

The world faces a wide range of serious, complex, and long-term water challenges, from shortages to contamination to local and regional disputes over water to long-term climate changes. But there are other challenges that are short-term, emergency situations that could also be addressed by some new thinking and new technology.
La Nina Winter Soaks

The Stream, October 4: What’s Up With Keystone XL?

More Africans have access to mobile phones than to clean drinking…

Disturbing U.S. WASH Report: Water and Sanitation Lacking for Poorest Americans

Despite an extensive water and sanitation system ranking among the world’s best, a human rights lawyer — appointed by the United Nations — has reported that some of the poorest Americans live without affordable, convenient access to these basic necessities.
La Nina Winter Soaks

The Stream, September 1: Chinese NGOs Urge Apple to Clean Its Supply Chain

An investigation by a group of Chinese green NGOs reveals that…
La Nina Winter Soaks

Peter Gleick: When Beliefs Conflict with Facts

Representative Jim Costa and the California Drought
La Nina Winter Soaks

Peter Gleick: The California Drought (2007-2009) – Myth Versus Reality

It has been a wet year. Very wet. But remember the drought? California…
La Nina Winter Soaks

The Stream, April 29: Natural Disasters

Southern California, Arizona and Nevada are in discussions with…
La Nina Winter Soaks

Strong La Niña Winter Soaks Much of the Western United States, But Leaves Southwest Dry

Western states confront potential for floods and wildfires.
La Nina Winter Soaks

The Stream, April 13: Legal Matters

Dams in Brazil Despite calls for a moratorium, Brazil’s government…
La Nina Winter Soaks

The Stream, March 30: Water and Cities

More than a billion people around the world will face severe…
La Nina Winter Soaks

The Stream, March 22: World Water Day 2011

The New York Times compares the water markets and policies of…