
The Stream, February 17: U.S. House Moves Keystone XL Forward

Energy A bill meant to speed up approval of the proposed Keystone…

“Choke Point: China” Findings Cited in Congressional Hearing

Choke Point: China findings presented at Congressional hearing.

The Stream, February 16: Uruguay to Begin Onshore Oil and Gas Exploration

Uruguay has signed a contract with U.S. company Schuepbach Energy…

The Stream, February 15: The World’s Water Footprint

The United States is the world's largest exporter, and one of…

The Stream, February 14: China’s Big Desalination Plans

China plans to quadruple its desalination capacity by the end…

The Stream, February 13: Global Ice Melt

Climate The global ice melt from 2003 to 2010 resulted in enough…

The Stream, February 8: U.S. Encourages Shale Gas in Bulgaria

Bulgaria should pursue shale gas in order to achieve energy independence,…

The Stream, February 7: Extreme Weather

Weather Extremes Thousands of Australians have been forced from…

The Stream, February 6: U.S. to Require Disclosure of Fracking Chemicals

The U.S. government will require natural gas companies to disclose…

The Stream, February 3: Fixing U.S. Water Infrastructure

It will take $US 1 trillion over the next 25 years to fix the…

The Stream, February 2: Argentina’s Drought

Shallow canals and low water levels in Argentina have grounded…

Economics and Water Concerns Alter the Solar Landscape in the US West

The falling price of photovoltaic panels and public concerns…