
The Stream, January 31: Mining and Food Production
Australia's first law intended to protect prime agricultural…

Pollution, Dry Weather Choke the World’s Major Lakes
Urban waste and falling water levels signaled a rough start to…

The Stream, January 27: Water Pollution Strikes Chinese River
Levels of cadmium, a carcinogen, measured 20 percent higher than…

The Stream, January 25: Milk, Arsenic and Mexico’s Water
Arsenic is tainting freshwater supplies in Mexico's…

The Stream, January 24: Boosting Food Production
How can the world feed 9.5 billion people, the projected global…

The Stream, January 20: Mongolia’s Mining Boom
Vast mineral wealth and growing demand from China are driving…

The Stream, January 17: China’s Environmental Litigation
Reuters tells the story of a Chinese "cancer village" that is…

The Stream, January 12: Water as Business Risk
Next to power shortages, water scarcity will be the next big…

The Stream, January 11: Investors Tell Companies To Look At Water Security
Companies are not taking water security seriously when preparing…
Update: China Completes Tunnel Under Yellow River for South-North Water Transfer Project
China is on target to begin transferring water from the Yangtze River Basin to Hebei, Shandong, and Tianjin by 2013.

The Stream, January 9: China Moves Forward With South-North Water Transfer Project
China has completed the tunnel under the Yellow River for the…

Water News: What’s Ahead in 2012
News headlines are often dominated by the big, unexpected events…