
Ma Jun on China's Economic Development.

The Stream, April 27: Climate Change Impacts

A new federal report on the impact of climate change in the western…


Ma Jun on China's Economic Development.

The Stream, April 26: The Water-Energy-Food Nexus

Food has quickly become the hidden driver of world politics,…
Ma Jun on China's Economic Development.

The Stream, April 21: Blowin’ in the Wind

Reuters published a lengthy report on China's plans to unlock…
Ma Jun on China's Economic Development.

The Stream, April 20: Damming the Rivers

Despite international pressure to freeze the development of the…
Ma Jun on China's Economic Development.

The Stream, April 19: Power Cuts, Golf Booms

Despite promises to curb power rationing, much of China is on…
Ma Jun on China's Economic Development.

The Stream, April 18: The Water Factor

Environmental groups are up in arms over the State Department's…
Ma Jun on China's Economic Development.

The Stream, April 14: Shale Gas

The French government will support parliamentary motions to revoke…
Ma Jun on China's Economic Development.

Q&A: Ma Jun on China’s Economic Development and Water Resources

Ma Jun tells Circle of Blue that China is still on the track of a highly energy- and resource-intensive model, with the need to de-couple economic growth from the expansion of resource consumption
Ma Jun on China's Economic Development.

The Stream, April 11: The Fracking ‘Battleground’

Peru, the world's third-largest copper producer, has rejected…
Ma Jun on China's Economic Development.

The Stream, April 8: Street Battles and Bacterial Nightmares

Cote d’Ivoire IRIN News reports that the fighting in Abidjan,…
Ma Jun on China's Economic Development.

The Stream, April 7: America’s Abandoned Gas and Oil Wells

Foreign Affairs analyzes why food subsidies have prevented and…