
New Wind and Solar Sectors Won’t Solve China’s Water Scarcity

Clean alternatives help, but not nearly enough, to loosen energy-water choke point

The Stream, February 17: Water + Climate

Climate change made the floods that inundated England and Wales…

Choke Point: China – Confronting Water Scarcity and Energy Demand in the World’s Largest Country

An escalating confrontation over resources; a confrontation with global implications.

The Stream, February 14: Rivers in the Sky

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has joined…

The Stream, February 10: Hydropower Push

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency released a draft plan…

The Stream, February 9: Drought in China

China barely gets mentioned in world food reports despite being…

The Stream, February 8: Food for Thought

Crop shortages are just another ingredient in an explosive mix…

The Stream, February 4: Revisiting the Bushmen

An appeals court in Botswana ruled that the Bushmen in the arid…

The Stream, February 1: Weather Extremes and Budget Balances

While ordinary Chinese flood train stations, bus terminals and…
Circle of Blue & BSU

Circle of Blue and Ball State University Form Global Multimedia Reporting Project

Collaboration to focus on water, energy, and climate in China and Great Lakes. Immersive program puts advanced students in the center of “one of the decade’s biggest news, policy, and technology issues.”

Memo to Hu and Obama: Water and Energy Choke Points Merit Time at the China-U.S. Summit

Collaborate on resolving confrontation between rising energy demand and water scarcity in both countries.

Analysis: Despite a Drying and Flooding Planet, Cancun Climate Negotiators Anticipate Scant Progress

Without water as part of the equation, there can be no long-term solution to climate change.