
Infographic: Wastewater Treatment Costs in Major U.S. Cities

Following Circle of Blue’s survey of water prices, we examine the wastewater costs of the same 30 major cities.
Video: Reign of Sand

X-Rays Mark the Spot to Drill for Water in Chad

Magnetic imaging lets scientists peer beneath the surface to see exactly where groundwater sources are located.

China Looks to Increase Hydropower to Meet Clean Energy Goals

While the superpower announces ambitious sustainability goals, it faces droughts and intensive energy needs.

China May Relocate 300,000 from Three Gorges Region

Water pollution and river bank instability pose more serious problems than expected on the reservoir banks.
Video: Reign of Sand

Video: Reign of Sand

The blowing sand in Inner Mongolia is more evidence of the consequences of the duel China fights as it promotes rapid industrial development.