
U.S. Supreme Court Rejects Trump Bid to Limit Water Pollution Law
The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday rejected arguments seeking to limit the reach of a landmark water pollution law in a Hawaii dispute over wastewater indirectly discharged into the Pacific Ocean.

Maui Mayor Rejects Clean Water Act Settlement, Aims for Supreme Court Hearing
Internal politics in Maui County muddle a closely watched groundwater case.

Clean Water Act Showdown at Supreme Court Might Be Avoided. For Now.
A lawsuit with broad implications for the country’s waterways and pollution permitting system might be resolved out of court, avoiding, at least for now, a showdown in the nation’s highest court over the scope of the Clean Water Act.

U.S. Courts Issue Contradictory Rulings on Groundwater and the Clean Water Act
Courts grapple with pollution cases that pit the law against nature.

Clean Water Rule Repeal Cannot Come at a Pen Stroke
Trump executive order seeks to remove federal protections for…
2017 Preview: Window of Opportunity for U.S. Department of Agriculture
Can the USDA make inroads for water quality and water infrastructure…

Slideshow: Water On The Prairie
North Dakota’s prairie pothole wetlands are under threat from rapid oil and agricultural development.

EPA Review Finds Clean Water Fund Allocations Need Revision
Funds distributed to the states do not match current state infrastructure…

Lawsuits in Three States Target Groundwater Pollution under Clean Water Act
U.S. water law confronts hydrology.
Photo courtesy of…
Great Lakes Water Quality Remains in Spotlight in 2015
Safe drinking water tops list of concerns.
Photo © J.…
Great Lakes States Take Halting Steps Toward Water Protections
Governments in the nation’s most water-rich region are responding…
America’s Spreading Septic Threat
Failing septic systems produce disease outbreaks, algae blooms,…