
Texas Legislature Discusses Drought, Water Planning, Reservoirs

Consecutive hot, dry years have Texas lawmakers pondering billions…

U.S. Climate Envoy Lays Out New Principles for Climate Negotiations

Ambition, differentiation, and flexibility will define the U.S.…

The Stream, January 8: Oil Sands Mining Increased Water Pollution in Canada

Oil sand mining operations in Alberta, Canada have been shown…

The Stream, January 2: Pollution, Flooding & the Safety of Bottled Water

Pollution A pig farm in the Chinese town of Houtonglong has…

Isabella Bovolo

Guyana means “land of many waters” in a native Amerindian…

The Stream, December 26: China’s Big Desalination Plans

China has revealed plans to boost its desalination capacity to…

David Breashears

In 2007, from 5,600 meters atop the north side of Mount Everest,…

The Stream, December 20: Coal — World’s Top Energy Source by 2017

By 2017, coal will supplant oil as the world's top energy source,…

The Stream, December 19: Climate Change and Everest at a Gigapixel

Barge traffic on a stretch of the Rhine River has come to a halt…

Great Lakes Map Shows Greatest Ecosystem Stress in Lakes Erie and Ontario

Researchers hope the map is used to plan restoration projects…

The Stream, December 18: ‘Peak Farmland’ May Be Good for All

Will farm land run out? The New York Times Dot Earth blog takes…

The Stream, December 14: Water Situation ‘Critical’ in Bulawayo

Water Shortages A severe water shortage in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe's…