
Chicago Spearheads $7 Billion Plan to Fix Its Crumbling Infrastructure

Chicago’s $7 Billion Plan to Fix Crumbling Infrastructure

From expanding its largest airport to replacing century-old water…

The Stream, April 2: Fracking in Texas, Pennsylvania and Wyoming

New findings that indicate elevated levels of methane in water…

The Stream, March 30: Great Lakes Water Levels

A new report by a U.S.-Canadian advisory panel recommends against…

The Stream, March 29: Shale Gas Prospects in China and California

Water Shortage Years of uncontrolled digging of wells in Yemen…
The winning design by Richard Vijgen in the World Water Day competition by HeadsUP and will be on display in New York City's Times Square for one month. Titled “Seasonal and Longterm Changes in Groundwater Levels,” Vijgen's design uses NASA's gravitational data.

Satellite Perspectives: NASA’s GRACE Program Sees Groundwater From Space

A first-of-its-kind space mission shows dips in groundwater supplies…

The Stream, March 27: Uncertain Future for Shale Gas in Poland

Shale gas drilling is off to a disappointing start for investors…

The Stream, March 26: Tighter Rules for Coal Seam Gas in Australia?

South Australia has become the third Australian state to agree…

Climate Change Alters the Calculus for Water Infrastructure Planning

Adapting to climate change in the U.S., according to one estimate, will cost at least a half trillion dollars over the next four decades.

The Stream, March 21: Drought, Fire, and Kenya’s Wildlife

Drought and Water Access A forest fire in China's Yunnan province…

The Stream, March 20: Connecting the Dots Between Water Stress and Food Prices

Hydropower and Water Security Two of the world's biggest energy…

The Stream, March 16: Emissions On The Rise

Climate Change Fossil fuels will supply 85 percent of the world's…

The Stream, March 15: On Weather Extremes, Land Grabs and Nuclear Power

Climate Change Australia should brace itself for higher temperatures…