
The Stream, February 3: Fixing U.S. Water Infrastructure

It will take $US 1 trillion over the next 25 years to fix the…

The Stream, February 2: Argentina’s Drought

Shallow canals and low water levels in Argentina have grounded…

The Stream, February 1: Reversing the Chicago River to Stop Asian Carp

United States Separating the Great Lakes from the Mississippi…

The Stream, January 30: U.S. Natural Gas Reserves

Just how much natural gas is there in the United States? A recent…

The Stream, January 27: Water Pollution Strikes Chinese River

Levels of cadmium, a carcinogen, measured 20 percent higher than…

The Stream, January 26: The Shale Boom and the Economy

The International Energy Agency will make shale gas recommendations…

The Stream, January 25: Milk, Arsenic and Mexico’s Water

Arsenic Arsenic is tainting freshwater supplies in Mexico's…

The Stream, January 24: Boosting Food Production

How can the world feed 9.5 billion people, the projected global…

The Stream, January 20: Mongolia’s Mining Boom

Vast mineral wealth and growing demand from China are driving…

The Stream, January 19: Shale Gas and the Renewable Energy Sector

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have…

Peter Gleick: Climate Change, Disbelief, and the Collision between Human and Geologic Time

Geologic time scales are long – too long for the human mind to really comprehend. Over millions, and tens of millions, and hundreds of millions of years, the Earth has changed from something unrecognizable to the planet we see on maps, plastic globes, and photos from space.

The Stream, January 18: Commercial Agriculture Displaces Ethiopians

Agriculture The Ethiopian government is relocating thousands…