
The Stream, December 8: Water for Export

An Israeli desalination plant that is expected to start operations…

The Stream, December 7: The Shale Gas Boom

Global carbon emissions are likely to continue increasing at…

The Stream, December 6: Canada to Pull Out of Kyoto Protocol

Canada won't renew its commitments to the Kyoto Protocol after…

The Stream, December 5: Afghanistan-Pakistan Water Relations

Afghanistan's plans to build 12 dams on the Kabul River, and…

Price Volatility: Food and Water Insecurities Require Deep Pockets

Adding pressure to already strained budgets, the price of food is expected to remain high and quite volatile on the heels of this year's extreme floods and droughts. Though price increases are occurring globally, they are hitting hardest in the developing world.

The Stream, December 2: Climate Change Negotiations

The United States, along with Russia, Canada, Japan, China and…

The Stream, November 30: Climate Change, Energy, and the Hottest Years on Record

The United Kingdom has been secretly lending its support to Canada's…

Report: Thirsty Power Plants Increase U.S. Water Stress

Water-energy choke points in Texas serve as examples of a larger issue for the United States, as pointed out in a new report for the Energy and Water in a Warming World Initiative, spearheaded by the Union of Concerned Scientists.

The Stream, November 25: Record High Greenhouse Gases

Levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere have hit record…

The Stream, November 24: Big Business and Climate Policy

Big carbon-intensive corporations are campaigning to increase…

The Stream, November 23: Shale Gas and Climate Change

Developing the United Kingdom's shale gas reserves is incompatible…

The Stream, November 18: UNEP Calls for Green Global Economy

Water management trails climate change on companies' agenda,…