
Energy Water Graph

Peter Gleick: Energy, Water, and Climate Change in the Western U.S.

A new analysis from the Pacific Institute evaluates the water…
Red Tide Dead Fish Algae Blooms

The Stream, November 16: Air Pollution Worsens Droughts and Floods

Wind-generated electricity will cost the same as electricity…

Pacific Institute Report: Setbacks and Solutions of Water-Energy Clash in U.S. Intermountain West

At the forefront of a national trend, this region is already suffering from intense conflicts that willy only worsen with climate change and population growth. However, the report also highlights several ways to dramatically reduce the water requirements for electricity generation.
Red Tide Dead Fish Algae Blooms

The Stream, November 14: What Now for the Keystone XL Pipeline?

The U.S. State Department’s decision to postpone its verdict…
Red Tide Dead Fish Algae Blooms

Red Tide Downstream of Texas Drought: Marine Ecosystems Suffer Lack of Fresh Water

High temperatures and salinity concentrations along the Texas Gulf Coast are behind a toxic red tide, fish kills, and an influx of oyster parasites. Additionally, several saltwater species have been found upstream, surviving in a typically freshwater environment and signaling a large change in these delta ecosystems.
Red Tide Dead Fish Algae Blooms

The Stream, November 4: Developing Countries Bear Environmental Burdens, UNDP Report Says

Developing countries are bearing the brunt of environmental burdens…
Red Tide Dead Fish Algae Blooms

The Stream, November 2: Weather Extremes Will Worsen

Costly weather extremes such as drought and floods are becoming…
Red Tide Dead Fish Algae Blooms

The Stream, October 31: Seven Billion and Counting

Climate change has had devastating affects on glaciers in the…
Red Tide Dead Fish Algae Blooms

The Stream, October 26: Global Water Demand Outpaces Population Growth

Global water use is increasing at twice the rate of population…
Red Tide Dead Fish Algae Blooms

The Stream, October 25: Flood Crisis in Southeast Asia

Climate change manifests itself most visibly through water. But…
Red Tide Dead Fish Algae Blooms

The Stream, October 24: Climate Science

An independent investigation by scientists at the University…
Red Tide Dead Fish Algae Blooms

The Stream, October 19: Drought Unleashes Red Tide in Texas Gulf

The largest red tide algae bloom since 2000 is gripping the Texas…