
Ocean Currents: Harness installation on primary structure

The Stream, July 13: Water Pollution in China

Leading global clothing brands source products from Chinese suppliers…
Ocean Currents: Harness installation on primary structure

The Stream, July 12: The Melting Arctic

TransCanada Corp, the company that hopes to build the Keystone…
Ocean Currents: Harness installation on primary structure

The Stream, July 8: Global Warming Trends

Global warming and the melting of the polar caps is worse than…
Ocean Currents: Harness installation on primary structure

The Stream, July 7: The World’s Top 10 Most Resilient Cities

CO2 IMPACT ranks the world's top 10 most "resilient cities,"…
Ocean Currents: Harness installation on primary structure

The Stream, July 6: Climate Change and Security

A newly released report by the Institute for Policy Studies suggests…
Lake Turkana - Water Conflict

Water Conflict: Violence Erupts Along Ethiopia-Kenya Water-stressed Border

Severe droughts have added stress to an ongoing dispute between two neighboring ethnic groups near Lake Turkana — the border between the two nations — which has culminated in a series of violent attacks.
Ocean Currents: Harness installation on primary structure

The Stream, June 20: Higher Food Prices

The world should brace itself for high food prices and volatility…
Ocean Currents: Harness installation on primary structure

The Stream, June 10: Water and Food

Farmers around the world should brace for higher temperatures…
Colorado River Basin
Ocean Currents: Harness installation on primary structure

NASA Mission Measures How Ocean Salinity Affects Climate and Water Cycle

Launching in June, the Aquarius satellite mission will improve scientific understanding of the global water cycle.
Ocean Currents: Harness installation on primary structure

The Stream, May 27: The Global Food Market

The dire drought in central and southern China may hit the grain…
Ocean Currents: Harness installation on primary structure

The Stream, May 26: The La Nina Factor

The La Nina weather pattern may be playing a part in the surge…