A Dry and Anxious North Awaits China’s Giant, Unproven Water Transport Scheme
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Authorities anticipate approval for new western line to tap energy reserves. Sparks and the blue flare of arc welders, like hot stars in the night sky, illuminate the interior of a massive water tunnel that crosses underneath the Yellow River.
Peter Gleick: 2010 Hottest Year on Record—The Graph That Should Be on the Front Page of Every Newspaper
Climate change is worsening, fast. The National Climate Data Center of the National Oceanic
Study: NASA Shows World’s Water is Warming, Buoy Data Confirms in Great Lakes
In some northern regions, lake temperatures are increasing more than air temperatures.
Cholera in Haiti — The Climate Connection
Researchers explain the correlation between environmental interactions and human health, as reported infections climb to 10,000 cases.
Chinese Power Plant Develops Advanced Coal Technology
China attempts to move forward with its clean energy ambitions.
Drought in Australia Connected to Snowfall in Antarctica, Researchers Find
Relationship between Australia's drought and Antarctica's increased snowfall offers clues to human contribution to global warming. Scientists have linked a severe, decades-old drought in Australia to increased snowfall in East Antarctica.
Epilogue from Steve Solomon’s Water The Epic Struggle for Wealth, Power, and Civilization
The close of economic journalist Steven Solomon's book is a reflection on the new meaning of water given today's scarcity crisis. Solomon connects freshwater's past and present to paint a future, and potentially very unstable picture of human civilization. By redefining facets of this precious resource, however, he presents the foundation of finding global solutions.
Video: Copenhagen – Taking the Risk to Define a Zero Carbon, Clean Energy Future
Copenhagen, host of the United Nations Climate Change Conference, claims to be one of the world's greenest cities. It has extensive public transportation, a strong bicycle culture and plans to be carbon neutral by 2025 through progressive blueprints that reduce carbon emissions 20 percent by 2015 compared to 2005.
Climate Change Threatens China’s Crops, State Forecaster
China’s chief meteorologist recommends adjusting to global warming over fighting it.
Heart of Dryness: Water Infrastructure and Climate Change
In the third installment of Climate Change Coping Strategies excerpts from James G. Workman's Heart of Dryness we reveal the struggle to develop effective infrastructure in the face of climate change.
Massive Antarctic Icebergs Heading To New Zealand
Peter Gleick: What the Frack? Poisoning Water for Energy Profits
Injecting water, chemicals, and sand to "frack" the gas from shale rock formations.