
Water and Climate Connection — Will It Make the COP-16 Negotiating Texts in Cancun?
National delegations, in addition to interest groups, are pushing water higher on the climate agenda

Freshwater Crisis Not Included in Final Copenhagen Accord Despite Calls For Action
The current climate accord negotiated at the United Nations conference in Copenhagen is dangerously inadequate, asserted a team of international environmental organizations. During a talk at the Bella Center, where the climate conference was held, the Global Water Partnership, Global Public Policy Network on Water Management, Stockholm International Water Institute, and the Stakeholder Forum teamed up to warn that stakeholders were about to make a dangerous mistake – not mentioning the freshwater crisis at all in the historic negotiating text.

Climate Deal Not Accepted By All, But Copenhagen Conference Makes It “Operational”
COPENHAGEN—Seven countries, led by the tiny Pacific island nation of Tuvalu, this morning declined to accept the Copenhagen Accord that was reached late last night.

Late Night Deal At Copenhagen Conference Seen As First Step
As the Copenhagen conference comes to a close, U.S. President Barack Obama announces climate deal while Sudanese leader Lumumba Di-Aping says developing nations should block the agreement.

Video: Bill McKibben & President Mohamed Nasheed of Maldives in Copenhagen
South Asian paradise Maldives is one of the main countries most immediately threatened by the effects of climate change.

U.S. Media Tarnishes Message of Copenhagen Climate Change Protest
Circle of Blue's Aubrey Ann Parker reports on-the-ground from the Global Day of Action and reveals the truth behind sensational headlines that played up police arrests in Copenhagen.
Final Week of Copenhagen, the Last Act of Negotiations Remains Unclear
Like all spellbinding human dramas the United Nations Climate Change Conference, which today entered its second and last week, represents the accumulated chapters of an urgent script - the fate of the planet.
Video: Kumi Naidoo on Global Day of Climate Action
Interview with Kumi Naidoo, Executive Director Greenpeace International.
Video: Behind the Scenes with Greenpeace in Copenhagen
December 12 marked a global day of action where tens of thousands of activists raised their voices to the ears of negotiators who are in the midst of climate talks. Circle of Blue goes behind the scenes of Greenpeace's preparations for the massive rally that claimed the streets of Copenhagen Saturday.
EPA Greenhouse Gas Ruling Could Lead To Stricter Emissions Standards
EPA Chief says the agency has been fighting to make up for lost time on its climate change policies. A U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ruling that greenhouse gases pose a public health threat has set the stage for new emission regulations while setting off a battle in Congress and howls of protest from industry groups.
Video: The World in a Giant Globe in Copenhagen
With a screen size over fifteen times bigger than the largest IMAX screens, the 20 meter media globe in Copenhagen City Hall square during COP15 is an impressive and effective way to broadcast climate related information.
U.S. Charm Offensive at Copenhagen Climate Conference: Will it Work?
Our second installment of COP15 coverage reflects on the overdue, yet changing tide of American climate policy.