
U.S. Not Prepared for Tar Sands Oil Spills, National Study Finds

Report urges new regulations, research, and technology to respond…

Keystone XL Closer After U.S. House Vote

The proposed pipeline could be approved on a much shorter timeline than was laid out by President Barack Obama, after the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill Thursday giving approval power for the project to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). The Senate has not yet considered the bill.

The Stream, February 8: U.S. Encourages Shale Gas in Bulgaria

Bulgaria should pursue shale gas in order to achieve energy independence,…
Thousands of BP employees support Whiting’s businesses, including Happy Jack's Liquors. "That that has been a very significant benefit for the downtown economy," said Brian Lowry, a member of the Whiting Redevelopment Commission.

Connected by Pipeline from Canada, Tar Sands Represents Bonus and Risk to Great Lakes

Transporting and processing corrosive crude raise new questions about consequences.

The Stream, November 3: U.S. Energy Security

Jobs created by the proposed Keystone XL oil pipeline wouldn’t…

The Stream, September 29: The Texas Water Crisis

In serious drought conditions, Texas does not and will not have…

China Turns Profit From Coal-to-liquid Fuels Production, May Expand Controversial Program

Though China suspended most of its coal-to-liquid fuels refineries in 2008 due to concerns for scarce water resources and high production costs, recent financial gains may lead it to reconsider its policy.

Coal Conversion in the Rust Belt: Will It Be a Diamond for Small Ohio River Town?

An energy company has plans to withdraw water from the Ohio River, the potential site for a coal-to-liquid fuels conversion plant, which would be the first of its kind in the United States and the sixth in the world. Though it will bring jobs to the region, the proposal is facing strong opposition from environmental groups.

The Stream, July 12: The Melting Arctic

TransCanada Corp, the company that hopes to build the Keystone…

The Stream, June 16: Texas Drought

The worst Texas drought in more than a century may cripple the…

The Stream, April 28: Earth’s Water From Above

Check out these stunning images of the Earth taken from the International…

Infographic: A Closer Look at Tar Sands Oil

185 gallons of water + two tons of soil + 700-1200 cubic feet of natural gas = one barrel of crude oil.