
Dry Reservoir Leaves Tampa One Day of Water
A stagnant layer of unpotable water is all that remains of Tampa's Bill Young Reservoir.

Saudi Arabia to Join Bahrain in Drive for Desalination
The Middle East takes its water shortages with anything but…

The World’s Water: Hard Facts Point Toward the Soft Path
Experts say water crises can be averted with better management,…

Fuel Worth Its Saltwater: Could Saline Solve the Ethanol Controversy?
Desalination remains an expensive solution to water scarcity,…

Gargle this: New Mexico identifies new aquifer, water briny
New Mexico's Sandoval County recently stumbled upon what could…

Burgeoning Bay Area buys time to boost water infrastructure
SAN FRANCISCO - San Francisco's humongous Hetch Hetchy water…

Opinion: THE GREAT THIRST Oceans of Water
As the public becomes increasingly aware of the oceanic scope…

Desalination Costs Less Than Shipping Water In Australia
DARWIN, Australia - In a bid to prevent a resource grab in Australia's…

New desalinization plant for seemingly water-rich New England
BOSTON, MA - In order to keep up with demand, the city of Brockton,…

Salt removal could help U.S. water supply
WASHINGTON, DC -- It may be possible to remove salt from more…

Israel: Drought and pollution threaten drinking water supply
ISRAEL -- Israel stands to lose large amounts of drinking water…

Water minister looks to long-term infrastructure plans
ADELAIDE - Water Minister Penny Wong has signalled the government's…