
food price volatility map

The Stream, August 15: Difficulty of Cleaning Urban Waterways

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is starting…
food price volatility map

The Stream, August 14: Food and Water Relief Measures

France, the United States and G20 president Mexico have scheduled…
food price volatility map

The Stream, August 13: Expected Crop Yields Plummet While Prices Climb

Food prices This summer's drought in the United States will…
Food Shortages Loom Again in Somalia, But Refugees Can’t Escape Water Crisis

Food Shortages Loom Again in Somalia, But Refugees Can’t Escape Water Crisis

Poor rains have led to crop failures in Somalia, and the threat of food price increases could push parts of the country back into famine. Meanwhile, there is little relief for those who fled to neighboring Kenya, as the refugee camps there are facing water shortages.
food price volatility map

U.S. Drought Recap, August 6-10

Government reports show the U.S. is still hot and dry. Rain Nearly…
food price volatility map

The Stream, August 10: Rain Collapses Section of China’s Great Wall

Rains and Floods Continue in Asia Days of heavy rain caused…
food price volatility map

The Stream, August 8: Rice — A Bright Spot for Global Food

Global affected 20,000 farmers and ruined about 6,500 hectares…
food price volatility map

The Stream, August 7: Locals Weigh In On Mining and Dams

Dams Communities in Mexico's southern states of Puebla, Tabasco,…
food price volatility map

The Stream, August 6: U.S. Drought Expands to 64 Percent

Drought Drought has reached 64 percent of the area of the 48…
food price volatility map

Watching World Droughts and Food Stocks

The world food situation isn’t looking good right now. …
food price volatility map

The Stream, August 3: Floods Wipe Out North Korea’s Drinking Water

More than 3 million Syrians will require food aid over the next…
food price volatility map

The Stream, August 1: Urbanization and Rainstorm Connection

China China canceled plans for a pipeline that would have dumped…