
Desert’s Stronger Grip Shakes Inner Mongolia

Circle of Blue revisits seas of dying grass and blowing sand in northern China.

California’s Central Valley to Get More Water

As the state recovers from a three-year drought and copes with a deteriorating water infrastructure, the nation's food supply just got a boost.

Southern Australian State Plans to Save Additional 5 Billion of Liters of Water

Australia Tackles water scarcity in New South Wales by funding projects such a recycled water for irrigation.

India and Pakistan Dispute Water Use for Hydropower, Agriculture

India strives to redirect water, currently used for Pakistani agriculture, on the Kishanganga River for 330 megawatts.

First Inland Desalination Plant Opens in the UK

Located in East London’s Beckton, the Thames Water desalination plant is slated to be used during times of drought. But some local politicians argue that the facility is a waste of energy.

Photo Slideshow: Stunning Water Images from the European Space Agency

Images from space including the Ganges River in the Himalayas and the Fox Basin in the Canadian Arctic.

Drought in the Mekong Basin Hampers Southeast Asia Economy

One of the worst droughts in Southeast Asia in decades has lowered water levels in the Mekong River, cutting people off from the source of their livelihood and hampering the regional economy

Drought in Philippines Forces Blackouts

Low reservoir levels have caused several hydroelectric plants to shut down or cut operations in the Southeast Asian country.

Water is a Key Issue in Iraqi Election, U.S. General Odierno Says

Opinion polls show that basic services such as water and electricity are top issues for Iraqis in the March 7 parliamentary elections, the United States’ commanding general in Iraq said last week.

Divining Destiny: Water Challenges in Mexico’s Tehuacán Valley

Demand for Mexico’s finite supply of water will rise steadily for the foreseeable future.

Drought, Climate Change Jeopardize Global Hydropower Policies

Less precipitation + more extreme droughts = electricity shortages.