
Alaska Receives New Applications for Bulk Water Removal

While bulk water sales haven't been completed, three new applications show interest is still strong.

$US9.3 Billion Spent to Protect Watersheds in 2008, Report Says

A report by researchers at Ecosystem Marketplace is the first to catalogue the dollar value of payments to landowners for watershed protection.

Asian Carp Capture Renews Fears of Great Lakes Invasion

A 20-pound fish netted six miles from Lake Michigan has reignited the debate over closing off Chicago-area locks to protect the region’s sportfishing industry.

USGS Reports Declining Water Supply, Rising Mineral Wealth in Kabul

Mining for Kabul's untapped reserves could further compromise the area's already fragile water resources

Bottomless Precedent: BP Gulf Gusher Endemic to Global Oil Problem

Big spills and bigger damage to people and water resources around the globe.

Natural Gas Found in Aral Sea’s Dry Bed

Test wells produce the first significant volumes of gas, confirming speculation about gas reserves in the region.

India and Pakistan Dispute Water Use for Hydropower, Agriculture

India strives to redirect water, currently used for Pakistani agriculture, on the Kishanganga River for 330 megawatts.

Investment in Ecosystem Restoration Brings Water, Land Benefits, UNEP Report Says

Protecting natural capital provides significant benefits at a fraction of the cost of restoring a degraded ecosystems.

Q&A: Upmanu Lall on India’s Nexus of Energy, Food and Water

Upmanu Lall talks specifically of three regions of India where cereals are grown, despite recent droughts.

Infographic: Alaska to India Bulk Water Export Data

Sitka, Alaska to send millions of gallons of water to India, which will then be distributed in the Middle East.

Bulk Water Exports: Alaska City Wants to Sell the World a Drink

Water shipped in large tankers designed for oil as a supply solution to the global freshwater crisis?

Public Opinion on Bulk Water Sales Ranges From ‘Makes Sense’ to ‘Hell No!’

Bulk water sales have succeeded and been banned around the world.