
Analysis: World Water Day Promises Much, but We’ve Been Here Before

Global leaders lay out steps to improved water quality at World Water Day, but much of the implementation is beyond their control.

Freshwater Delivery in the Wake of Natural Disasters

A sample of water technologies invented to store, ship and provide one of the most critical resources for crisis recovery.

World Water Day Panelists Urge New Mindset for Wastewater Treatment

Newly-released UNEP report details challenges, benefits of expanding wastewater treatment coverage.

The Economics of Water Quality Need Greater Emphasis, UN Experts Say

Waste water treatment costs and ecosystem services are often not properly accounted for, say UN experts at World Water Day conference.

Q&A: How General Electric is Tackling the Water Crisis

Circle of Blue interviews General Electric Water’s Director of marketing Jeff Fulgham.
The source of Cuatro Ciénegas’ water deficit is groundwater irrigation from grain farms in Ocampo, about 50 kilometers north (31 miles) of Cuatro Ciénegas, and from alfalfa and dairy production in the south Hundido Valley, about 45 kilometers (28 miles) southwest. Here,  a center pivot sprinkler irrigates Hundido Valley fields.

Coming Era of Water Scarcity Will Prompt Global Industrial Transformation, According to Survey of International Experts

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Population growth, urban development, farm production, and climate change is increasing competition for fresh water and producing shortages so acute that virtually every industry in the world anticipates sweeping systemic transformation over the next decade in their strategic planning, production practices, and business models.

Q&A: SustainAbility Survey Reveals Clean Water Shortages As Most Urgent Issue

For 15 years SustainAbility and GlobeScan have polled global thought leaders about the planet's greatest sustainability challenges. The collaborating firms also release three "pulse" surveys based on three critical sustainability issues that most concern companies and their shareholders.

Taking the Pulse of Global Freshwater Issues

Circle of Blue on what’s happening and what will happen in the water world in 2010.

Midwestern Cities Sue Chemical Company for Polluting Water Supply

A group of Midwestern communities and water districts has filed a federal lawsuit against Swiss corporation Syngenta AG and its American subsidiary

Drought in the Mekong Basin Hampers Southeast Asia Economy

One of the worst droughts in Southeast Asia in decades has lowered water levels in the Mekong River, cutting people off from the source of their livelihood and hampering the regional economy

Water, Not al-Qaeda, is Yemen’s Main Domestic Concern, Experts Say

Yemen made headlines last Christmas as the training ground for the man who attempted to blow up an airplane two months ago, but a more immediate concern for the people living in the country is a rapidly dwindling supply of freshwater.

Drought, Climate Change Jeopardize Global Hydropower Policies

Less precipitation + more extreme droughts = electricity shortages.