
Drought and Deluge: Food Supplies in an Era of Climate Change

Agriculture in South and Southeast Asia affected by increasing temperatures and erratic water.

Water Issues Dividing and Challenging the U.S.

With floods across the Midwest, droughts along the Southwest, and legal skirmishes in the West and South—water issues are dividing the United States and challenging its citizens like never before. As first reported by Circle of Blue in July 2008, increasing competition for diminishing water supplies is driving the United States into an era of water scarcity.

Alabama, Florida and Georgia: A Tri-State Tug-of-War for Lake Lanier

Congress solidifies a federal judge's ruling to settle a 20-year-old dispute.

Nevada and Utah: Desert Aquifer Dispute in Snake Valley

Snake Valley, Utah.  Image courtesy of the Utah Geological SurveryA highly disputed bill sits on the desk of Utah Governor Gary Herbert that would allow the construction of a 300-mile pipeline to pump 16 billion gallons of groundwater from the Snake Valley aquifer to as many as 120,000 households in the growing desert metropolis of Las Vegas, Nevada.

North vs. South: Carolinas in Supreme Court Battle for Catawba River

The Catawba River is used by more than 30 cities and 17 counties for industry and drinking.

Visioning Flowing Waters, From Laos to Cambodia

Mouth to Source brings remote locations along the Mekong River to life

Infographic: Oil and Water in the Niger Delta

Despite an estimated $US 600 billion in Nigerian oil revenue since its discovery in 1956, wealth does not trickle downstream, as many villages in the Niger Delta lack electricity and running water.

War on Water: A Clash Over Oil, Power and Poverty in the Niger Delta

Thousands Search for Fresh Water, Food in a Monumentally Contaminated War Zone

Corporate Corruption Drains Capital, Global Report Finds

 corruption has led to dire consequences as diverse as water shortages, exploitative work conditions and unsafe medicines.Corporate corruption has led to dire consequences as diverse as water shortages, exploitative work conditions and unsafe medicines, according to a just-released report by Transparency International (TI), a global non-profit aimed at exposing and preventing corruption.

Keeping an Eye on Water From Space

Images Courtesy NASA Satellites are increasingly being tasked with keeping an eye on the planet’s fresh water supplies, giving scientists and governments new tools to track how water is used, who is using it, and how to better manage the fragile resource. Some of the results are alarming.

NYT: Farm Runoff is Polluting Nearby Residents’ Water Wells

Runoff, often from cow manure spread on grain fields, can result in parasites and bacteria seeping into drinking water.A New York Times investigation into worsening U.S. water pollution details how unregulated farm runoff is poisoning people's wells.

Ed Kashi: Oil and Conflict in the Niger Delta

Circle of Blue reporter Aubrey Parker spoke with Ed Kashi. He is a photojournalist for National Geographic.