
Beijing Sets Water Example for Future Olympics, Report Says

beijing_01 China’s water policy for the Beijing Olympics was given a thumbs-up by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in a report released earlier this year.

Peter Gleick: Water for Energy, the Bad Bet for Biofuels

In the ongoing debate about rethinking America's energy future,…

White House Report: US to Face Floods, Droughts and Competition for Water

The White House issued last Tuesday an assessment of how global warming will unfold across the United States in the next century.

Google Brings Water Data to Life

New Collaboration Tool Allows for Seamless Integration of Water Data from Around the World

Peter Gleick: Zero or All? What’s Really Happening in the Central Valley?

centralvalley Here is a short post, with two Water Numbers, and a request for real information if readers have it.

New Technology Gives Thirsty Plants a Voice

sensor As many around the world anticipate the release of a new iPhone, plants in need of water are getting their own fancy gadget to “communicate” with their growers.

More Water for Fish, NOAA Declares

In an 800-page report, federal officials issued a dire prediction for California’s salmon -- they’re just about out of water. The only solution: cut water usage in the Central Valley.

Fire Hot, Sky Blue, Australia’s Dire Drought Tests Journalists

A Struggle to Tell a Story Everyone Seems to Know

Peter Gleick: Salt from Water: The Question of Energy

desalplant Following up on my last post, on the cost of desalination,

Helsinki, Water and the Future of Chemistry?

Helsinki HELSINKI -- The first international Helsinki Chemical Forum (HCF) is well underway, and among the topics being talked about is water.

Peter Gleick: Salt from Water, Money from Pockets?

salt There is always a lot of interest in desalination. I hear it when I give public talks on global and local water issues; I see it in some responses to my blog posts that believe desalination should be much more aggressively pursued

Fred Krupp: Changing the Climate at the World Economic Forum

Fred Krupp
Fred Krupp, of the Environmental Defense Fund, talks carbon, Obama and more.