
Opinion: Rural Farmers Know Wind, Water Well

A windmill may conjure fantasies of quaint Dutch pastoralism,…

Texas’ Water Shortages Could Cost State

aus_beryl_590_030309According to Texas’ chief Comptroller Susan Combs, water shortages combined with expected population growth could cost Texans’ their way of life.

Japan’s Dirty Blue A Source of Glittering Gold

Gold mines exist in Japan, but today industrial sewage steals…

Washington’s Prehistoric Water Could Soon be History

KENNEWICK, Washington -- There is nothing more refreshing on…

Water Infrastructure & Maintenance Given Short End of Stimulus Stick

WASHINGTON -- An impressive nearly $1 trillion may soon flow…

U.S. State Department Details Global Water Concerns

Beyond definitions of public and private responsibility, water…

Drought: California’s Impending Economic Crisis

If money grew on trees, California would still be in trouble.…

Leave it to Beaver: Arkansas Water Department Warns About Imposters

As water grows increasingly precious to the southwestern United…

Water Management is a Money Issue, World Bank tells China

In a recently released report, the World Bank applauds China…

Water Shortages and More In Gaza City

With Israeli forces moving into Gaza City, the World Bank is…

Water From Fog on Cape Verde

Morning fog rolls in over the island community of Serra Malagueta,…

Understanding Zimbabwe: An Interview with Professor Timothy Burke

In an interview with Circle of Blue, Swarthmore history professor…