
Infographic: Beijing Water Use and Population Statistics
The population of China's capital has doubled since 1980, and, though agricultural and industrial water use is down, municipal use is up.

The Stream, April 19: Power Cuts, Golf Booms
Despite promises to curb power rationing, much of China is on…

Australia Builds Desalination Plants and Pipelines to Bring Water to Mines
To feed water-hungry mining industries, similar plans are in the works to supply drought-ridden regions of Australia and China.

Focusing on Sustainable Growth — China Releases Draft of 12th Five-Year Plan
Clearly wary about the consequences of its rapid economic development on the environment, China has set a path over the next five years to reduce consumption of the two most important resources that power its economy— coal and water. The country plans to rein in water use and introduces new energy intensity reduction targets in pursuit of more sustainable economic growth, according to the draft proposal of the 12th Five-Year Plan, the master economic blueprint that will chart China’s development through 2015.

A Dry and Anxious North Awaits China’s Giant, Unproven Water Transport Scheme
Authorities anticipate approval for new western line to tap energy reserves. Sparks and the blue flare of arc welders, like hot stars in the night sky, illuminate the interior of a massive water tunnel that crosses underneath the Yellow River.

Choke Point: China – Confronting Water Scarcity and Energy Demand in the World’s Largest Country
An escalating confrontation over resources; a confrontation with global implications.
Circle of Blue and Ball State University Form Global Multimedia Reporting Project
Collaboration to focus on water, energy, and climate in China and Great Lakes. Immersive program puts advanced students in the center of “one of the decade’s biggest news, policy, and technology issues.”
Memo to Hu and Obama: Water and Energy Choke Points Merit Time at the China-U.S. Summit
Collaborate on resolving confrontation between rising energy demand and water scarcity in both countries.
Infographic: Water and Energy
The emerging collision between the diminishing water supplies and the rising energy demand across the sectors of the U.S. economy.
The Rising Cost of Settling the American Desert
Power plant that moves torrent of water uphill considers closing
In Era of Climate Change and Water Scarcity, Meeting National Energy Demand Confronts Major Impediments
The pursuit of energy development development reveal gaps in policymaking.

Infographic: State Legislatures Bridge Water-Energy Gap
A look at 16 states with statutes that acknowledge the tightening chokepoint between declining water resources and rising energy demand.