
China Water Stats Information Graphic

Infographic: Beijing Water Use and Population Statistics

The population of China's capital has doubled since 1980, and, though agricultural and industrial water use is down, municipal use is up.
Tar Sands Map

South of the Border—Second Environmental Review of Tar Sands Pipeline Leaves Many Groups Unsatisfied

Residents and lawmakers in Nebraska mull their options for protecting key groundwater sources.
China Environment Forum

Event Invitation—Choke Point: Confronting Energy Demand and Water Scarcity in China

Circle of Blue and the China Environment Forum at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars will give an absorbing presentation on the energy-water choke points that are tightening around the world’s two largest economies. Please RSVP for May 6, 2011 from 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

The Stream, May 3: Nile River Treaty?

Local protests against mining and energy projects in Peru are…

The Stream, April 27: Climate Change Impacts

A new federal report on the impact of climate change in the western…

The Stream, April 26: The Water-Energy-Food Nexus

Food has quickly become the hidden driver of world politics,…
Peter Gleick

Peter Gleick: Where Have All Our Drinking Water Fountains Gone?

Where have all our drinking water fountains gone? They have been…
Ma Jun on China's Economic Development.

Q&A: Ma Jun on China’s Economic Development and Water Resources

Ma Jun tells Circle of Blue that China is still on the track of a highly energy- and resource-intensive model, with the need to de-couple economic growth from the expansion of resource consumption

The Stream, April 7: America’s Abandoned Gas and Oil Wells

Foreign Affairs analyzes why food subsidies have prevented and…

Australia Builds Desalination Plants and Pipelines to Bring Water to Mines

To feed water-hungry mining industries, similar plans are in the works to supply drought-ridden regions of Australia and China.

China Responds to Explosive Growth, Pollution, and Water Scarcity in Latest Five-Year Plan

Will momentum for runaway development be too powerful to restrain?

Infographic: Successes and Failures of China’s Five-Year Plans (1996 -2010)

A breakdown of previous plans gives context to the newly released 12th Five-Year Plan.