
Water & Energy Collision

In Era of Climate Change and Water Scarcity, Meeting National Energy Demand Confronts Major Impediments

The pursuit of energy development development reveal gaps in policymaking.

Infographic: State Legislatures Bridge Water-Energy Gap

A look at 16 states with statutes that acknowledge the tightening chokepoint between declining water resources and rising energy demand.

Infographic: 10 Things You Should Know about Water + Energy

A survey of key water facts behind traditional and alternative energy sources.

Infographic: North Dakota’s Rise To Domestic Oil Royalty

North Dakota has become the number four oil producing state—but at what cost to its water supply?

Peter Gleick: Time for a “Cash for Water Clunkers” Program

The international water expert proposes a plan to ensure the long-term sustainability of the United States’ water resources.

Water Demand is Flash Point in Dakota Oil Boom

Production from the Bakken Shale is projected to use up to 5.5 billion gallons of water annually.

Scotland Advances Renewable Energy Development

The country's first minister says Scotland could become the 'world's first hydro-economy.'

Government Warns Against Contaminated Water in Wyoming Town

Freshwater wells deemed unsafe because of hydrocarbons.

Infographic: Water Use Per Mile Driven — Biofuels vs. Fossil Fuels

A breakdown of gallons of water used by transportation fuels per mile.

Fracking Regulations Vary Widely from State to State

A look at how states across America are facing deep frack dilemmas.

In Solar Power Lies Path to Reducing Water Use For Energy

California’s latest proposed desert solar power plant could compromise desert habitat.