
Pipeline Ties Detroit Refinery to “Dirtiest Source of Fossil Fuels”

State department says oil is needed; Congress leader joins activists in raising concerns.

Michigan Supreme Court Case Could Strengthen Protection of State’s Lakes, Streams and Groundwater

An environmental group’s legal victory in the fight to block the dumping of water from a contaminated site into a popular Michigan fly-fishing stream may provide stronger legal protections for lakes and streams across the state.

Infographic: Michigan Mineral Rights

In Michigan, $178 million for nearly 120,000 acres of state-owned minerals in 20 counties.

Infographic: Anatomy of a Gas Well

Several layers of steel casing typically enclose a well bore and the empty spaces between can be sealed with cement.

Infographic: What is Hydraulic Fracturing?

Hydraulic fracturing is a process used in nine out of 10 natural gas wells in the United States.

Michigan Says It’s Ready For Next Drilling Boom

“Fracking” is the injection of water and chemicals to rupture deep shale and release natural gas.

A Desperate Clinch: Coal Production Confronts Water Scarcity

In contest with coal, water takes a beating.

Why Gas Leaks Matter in the Hydraulic Fracturing Debate

Methane migration is critical to discussions of underground contamination risks from fracking.

Flooding Kills Hundreds in Pakistan

Heavy monsoon rains in Pakistan have caused rivers to overflow—triggering landslides, destroying villages and blocking rescue efforts.

Cleanup Under Way on Major Midwest Oil Spill

A Canadian company caused several previous spills and was cited for violations for a leaking pipe.

Flooding Tests Three Gorges Dam, Pollutes Songhua River in China

Chemical pollution is the latest calamity as heavy rains continue to blanket the country with floods.

Michigan’s New Natural Gas Rush: Energy and Water in Play

Unprecedented mineral leasing could be big for energy production and hydraulic fracturing.